Guest Blog: Embryo Digital

Embryo Digital SEO Manchester

We are very excited to have caught up with Hannah Skulnick, Head of Content at Embryo Digital, one of Manchester’s leading full-service digital marketing agencies.

In this blog, the team at Embryo discuss the significance of communication, building client relationships and the importance of strategy discussion.

As a digital marketing agency that places great importance on client value and experience, we’re not one to shy away from our clients, instead making them the focus of our strategies, content and campaigns. We feel that taking the time to speak to our clients – whether through email, phone or face-to-face – not only ensures that we truly understand what their businesses are all about, but conveys a sense of professionalism and support that can sometimes be lacking in our industry. We do understand that building these relationships is not always easy, especially when you have mounting workloads, busy clients and other commitments to attend to, so we thought what better topic to discuss than why we feel these relationships are so important to business growth and development, and why you should make the time to establish, and maintain them.

Repeat Business

Recently, a property-based business who left us last year due to financial constraints decided to start using our services again, which includes SEO, content marketing and social media. Why they came back? Well, not only did they always appreciate our high standard of work, but also, they felt confident working with our MD again. Due to his repeated visits and discussion of strategy, they knew they could trust us to deliver results. It was this trust that gained us the insurance side of their business too, and our campaigns that truly won them over.
A great thing we do here at Embryo Digital is create strategy documents that outline competitor research, content timelines and onsite plans. By going through these with the clients, we show them that we understand their industry and what they need to convey to appeal to their target audiences.


Many digital marketing agencies are so caught up in how they position their clients that they don’t think to establish themselves. Long term, this isn’t viable, as success does largely depend on your reputation as a business that can provide a real ROI and is choc-full of people the clients want to work with. If you’re known for being kind, courteous and attentive, then you’re helping to build up a good reputation for your business. Potential clients will then consider your company trustworthy and experienced and will contact you to find out more.


If you look after your clients correctly, then they’ll spread the word about how great you are to other businesses. By acting as brand advocates for your company, these clients are providing you with some free marketing for you, extending your reach and boosting your reputation.
For example, due to the kind words of a technology client that we work with, we brought on another recruitment firm.

Our Tips For Building Up Strong Business Relationships

  • Stay in touch and on your clients’ radar.
  • Be dependable, getting work done by the date you said that you would.
  • Be honest. Don’t follow a strategy if you think it’ll no longer work.
  • Ask for feedback and consider areas for improvement.
  • Stay on top of industry-related news and events and present ideas that could tie into them.
  • Go through reports and key results with them, so that they can see the value that you’re giving them.
  • Deal with unexpected issues promptly and effectively, and don’t leave things until they get to a critical level.
  • Be supportive and show that you care.

How you treat clients can have a lasting impact on your business relationships. You may have the most talented staff out there, but if they can’t communicate regularly and effectively, or have a poor level of customer service, then you’ll find your reputation taking a hit. Being dependable, honest and trustworthy really does make all of the difference, leaving you with business partners that can’t help but praise your hard work and dedication to their needs.

And anyway, wouldn’t you rather work with a company like that?

If you’re looking to work with a digital marketing agency like that, please give Embryo Digital a ring today on 0161 327 2635 to learn more about what we can do for you.



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