Is Networking Dead?

It’s the age old argument that networking is dead and I’m going to agree that it is for those businesses without a plan. The truth is, no one is going to refer you into a business unless they like and trust you and also see that you are working for a credible brand. I am told by a number of businesses how they have tried every type of group and none of them work and in my experiences it won’t.

Networking needs commitment and you have to work on it like any part of your sales structure and believing it’s effortless is bizarre. It’s just that the people who make it look this way have worked super hard.  The businesses who naturally get referrals before you have already built up their reputation and credibility, probably have a great market presence, a great referral scheme and relationships already in place.

So, if all that’s true, what’s the point? We’ll take Manchester –  it’s got one of the largest pools of business talent in the world and it’s constantly evolving.  The once-new startups now have a great market presence and the one-man band tech businesses now have five or six development staff. Hotels are popping up on every street, bars and restaurants are taking prime position in most high streets and ‘artisan’ has become the must-have in most areas.

These businesses are looking for you and the work you do with these brands will lead you to be noticed by others. There is always the reality that people will take another look but there needs to be a reason why. The businesses who have that established relationship are about to change but they need someone they like and trust to help open the door.

Networking will get you there but you have to have a strong strategy and be willing to learn what type of group works in partnership with your sales strategy.

I work with 35+ leaders, startups and influencers every Friday in central Manchester.

I would be happy to give advice and introduce anyone who’s still not sure or struggling with networking or if you can’t make it and want to ask anything, please drop me an email and I will help where I can.

There are plenty of great networking groups you can visit and plenty who can introduce you to people who can help your business grow.

Your business is welcome to join us at Dukes 92 18-25 Castle Street, Castlefield, Manchester, M3 4LZ.  There is a fantastic group of people who will listen to what you are looking to achieve.



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