Why do you need a PCI Compliant Server?


What is PCI Compliance?

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of security standards designed to ensure that all companies that accept, process, store or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. The PCI DSS applies to any organisation, regardless of the organisation size or number of transactions that accepts, transmits or stores any cardholder data.


How does PCI Compliance affect my business?

As a business that deals with transactions online, you have a responsibility to your customers to ensure that their data is protected when they do business with you.

It is essential for any business, be it accepting credit card payments (online or offline) comply with the credit card associations and networks rules concerning data security. Businesses also need to ensure they host their data securely with a PCI compliant hosting provider.


Why do you need a PCI Compliant Server?

A PCI Compliant Server should be implemented for various reasons. There are various advantages of being PCI compliant, a few are outlined below:

  • Builds and maintains a secure network by implementing strong access control measures.
  • Protects cardholder data and decreases the risk of security breaches (which can be expensive!).
  • Boosts customer confidence and ensures customer peace of mind. Increases customer relationship building.  
  • Provides a security standard which helps businesses to understand what to do and where to start on their security program.
  • Company image building – demonstrates a company’s customer commitment to protecting cardholder data.


Failure of PCI Compliance

  • The possibility of a data breach which can put your company at risk both legally and financially. 
  • Fines and compensation costs can be severely costly.
  • Company reputation damage which may have a detrimental effect on the image of the organisation.  
  • Lost revenue – customers have been known to leave a company when they know their company’s data has been hacked or compromised.


PCI Compliant Dedicated Servers

We provide PCI compliant dedicated servers in our Manchester data centre. Click here to find out more about our PCI compliant servers.

We can also assist you with becoming PCI DSS compliant – click here to find out how we can assist your business.

As your business continues to expand and grow it is important that you remain PCI Compliant. Don’t worry, we can accompany your journey and provide you with additional servers, firewall, storage and whatever you need to remain compliant.

If you would like any further information regarding our PCI dedicated servers, please don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and give us a call. We are always happy to help! – 0161 464 6101.



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