There’s no business to be made on a Friday

“There’s no business to be made on a Friday”

A phrase you may hear on a weekly, monthly or even daily basis, but at Datacentreplus we believe this couldn’t be more wrong.

Friday afternoon is where it all happens! It is often where the work for the week pays off, where work for the next week starts, where contacts are made, and business is done.

At Datacentreplus we attend the First Friday Club, a networking event which provides a relaxed and unpressured environment, which meets on the first Friday of every month.

It is an event where people get the chance to meet other networkers in a way that encourages them to either do business together, or else to feel confident in referring connected people to each other.

The first Friday Club was founded by two individuals, Nicola Gallet and Stephen lacovou, who formed the event due to a lack of available events in and around the Greater Manchester area on a Friday afternoon. The city centre was chosen to host the First Friday events due to easy access, via the railway, tram and car, making it accessible for people from the wider area to attend.

Whilst many Manchester businesses are frequent attendees at the events, there is also a healthy turnout from Wigan, Bolton, a regular from Yorkshire, and a few attendees from London. In fact, the majority of members have been attending since the clubs’ formation in October 2015 and there are still new faces every month.

Nicola Gallet, founder of the First Friday Club said:

“Friday is a perfect day, everyone is winding down to the weekend and many go on for drinks after as a way to get to know each other better”.

At Datacentreplus, we believe the First Friday Club provides invaluable networking opportunities in a relaxed and social environment. Not only has it allowed us to build and maintain relationships, but to keep-up -to-date with trends, benefit from new ideas and connect with key influencers.  

The First Friday Club has also enabled us to socialise with other business in and around Greater Manchester.

Stephen lacovou, commenting on the First Friday Club said:

“We have found that people who have the freedom to choose to go for a drink and do some socialising on a Friday afternoon, are generally decision makers in their businesses.  Bringing together this type of like-minded business people, makes for great networking”.

We would strongly encourage other businesses to get involved with various networking events and opportunities, both in and outside of the Greater Manchester area.

If you would like any additional information on the First Friday Club please visit – or contact Nicola @smartstrat or Stephen @Abbeygatefp.

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