Lets Work Together – The importance of collaboration

Netflix is moving to the cloud, they have announced they will be moving their last on-premises data centre into Amazon Web Services (AWS). Netflix already run their most of their internal applications and customer facing business off AWS, but they are now looking to move their video archive and backup away from its own infrastructure.

Netflix has invested a lot in its infrastructure, even recently, at the start of the year they swapped 16 storage systems for three XIV systems. They were also testing IBM’s spectrum storage software which is designed to easily manage and optimise hybrid cloud environments. The move has mainly come about because of a rise in demand. The aim is to simplify its architecture to ensure quick scalability and reduce outages.

The combination of two giants moving in the same direction and collaborating together can be a scary thought. We think it’s great and quite refreshing to see two competitors stop clashing heads and see a bigger picture for their business and customers.

Collaboration is a great way for 2 companies to grow their business, in a dog eat dog world more business between competitors or similar companies could be generated if the “it’s my customer” ethos was broken down. Datacentreplus work with a number of organisations who offer similar services, but we work together for the greater good, growth of both our businesses and giving our customers the quality service they deserve. We aren’t frightened of bringing in skill sets that aid delivery of a solution to our clients, similar to the Netflix scenario. If Amazon can provide them with a cost-effective solution that makes their life easier, then having Prime a competitor business is irrelevant as a need has been fulfilled.

The exciting part in this story of 2 giants is who knows where this blossoming relationship may lead, maybe to the perfect marriage and the birth of a superpower in the subscription film and TV rental business, which would only benefit their customers even more.

Content inspired from Business Cloud News.

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