Datacentreplus at the Mancunian Way Summer Charity Ball

Mancunian Way Charity Ball

We are very excited to have attended the Mancunian Way Summer Charity Ball, which took place at the Hilton Hotel in Deansgate.

The Mancunian Way are a charity who specialise in street based engagement, targeting individuals who are most in need.

Founded in 2011, the charity operates with a belief that with determination, passion, a vision and surrounding yourself with like minded people, it is possible to create change and improve the lives of others around you. 

Team members, Stephen Hobson, Head of Account Management,  Claire MacIntyre, Office Manager and Dave Langley, Partnerships Manager at Datacentreplus were all in attendance to celebrate the continuous wonderful work of the Mancunian Way with partners and friends. 

Stephen Hobson, Head of Account Management at Datacentreplus commenting on the event said:

“Myself and the team were honoured to be a part of such a special evening to celebrate the hard work and efforts of everyone at the Mancunian Way. The continued work they do is fantastic and really does make a difference to the lives of others. 

“It has been fantastic to get to know Nick and the team and to assist in any technical assistance in anywhere we can”.

Nick Buckley, CEO at the Mancunian Way added:  

It is fantastic that Datacentreplus are attending our Charity Ball at the Hilton again this year and continuing their support for us. We can only be successful when local businesses like Datacentreplus support us to improve Greater Manchester for everyone”.

If you would like to find out any further information on the Mancunian way, their projects, donations and community work you can contact them directly here

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