Tag: Cloud Hosting

How secure is your data when stored in the cloud?

Cloud data storage services are becoming more popular than ever and it’s not hard to see why. As the technical challenges of storing vast amounts of data have been significantly reduced, cloud hosting services have also become incredibly user friendly. As the world becomes more dependent on the internet than ever before, and with server

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Virtual vs Physical Servers: Pros & Cons

Businesses need secure, reliable, and high-performance processing and storage solutions for their applications and data. While comparing different hosting services, you are likely to see a variety of options to choose from. Deciding between physical servers and virtualisation often isn’t a simple choice, due to complex business requirements and the pros and cons of each

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Cloud vs Dedicated Server – What’s the best option for my business?

While comparing different service providers you’ll have probably heard of two of the more common types of services from data centres:  cloud hosting and dedicated servers. While any of these would be able to get you started it’s important to choose the service that best suits your business needs. Both have their advantages and disadvantages

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What you need to know about cloud hosting

It’s difficult to avoid the term Cloud Hosting but you may not be entirely familiar with exactly what it is.  Read on to find out….  To provide you with a brief overview of cloud hosting, this short article should help you gain a  good insight into cloud hosting and its benefits and tell you what

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How to minimise the risk of cyber crime in the workplace

Computer and IT security has become a critical part of a business’s operations and plays a big part in its success or otherwise. We often get asked a lot of questions about workplace security and the importance of cyber security audits, so thought it would be worthwhile putting a short guide together to help you

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VPS Cloud Hosting: Its Benefits

We get a lot of questions about what exactly makes VPS cloud hosting a good choice for companies.  Hopefully, this article will help to address some of these queries. When making your decision to choose a data centre for VPS cloud hosting, it can be hard to know what the best option is as there

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Datacentreplus launch VPSplus cloud platform to meet customer demand

We are excited to announce the launch of our VPSplus cloud platform, providing our customers with a highly scalable and cost-effective cloud hosting platform.  The new VPSplus platform comes with many appealing benefits for businesses, including reduced IT costs, increased collaboration, faster speed to market and improved resilience. There’s also built-in scalability technology, rendering the

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