Category: Business

National Technology Day 2021

Today marks National Technology Day in the UK and to celebrate, we are taking a look at how technology has shaped our past, present and future. From the invention of the wheel to the iPhone glued to your hand, our technological advancements have changed the world in spectacular ways including how we communicate, live, work

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Happy New Year & Thank You!

Welcome to 2021 and a very Happy New Year to all of our customers! It has been a spin around the sun like no other that we remember and although 2020 has been challenging, we ended the year on a really positive note here at Datacentreplus.  Alongside supporting existing clients, on-boarding new customers, and receiving

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How do you choose a hosting solution?

How do you choose a hosting solution? We know that choosing a hosting solution can be tricky, especially if your industry has little or nothing to do with tech. What are dedicated servers? What and where is this cloud people speak of? The truth is you simply must do your research before deciding which hosting

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5 reasons why your business needs good technical support

5 reasons why your business needs good technical support Server hosting is not always easy, problems will come up and if your hosting provider does not offer quality customer and technical support then you’re likely to be left feeling frustrated. Outages, downtime and having little or no control over your IT resources can be a

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Why Choose Magento?

What is Magento? Magento has become a popular choice for e-commerce businesses and it’s not hard to see why. In a nutshell, Magento is an open-source content management system (CMS) platform for eCommerce websites which has a large, welcoming community. The PHP based platform stands out from the crowd because it is designed to be

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Datacentreplus recognised in City of Manchester Business Awards 2021

We are delighted to announce that we have been nominated in the City of Manchester Business Awards 2021 (COMBA21) in the ‘Customer Focussed Business of the Year’ category. Now in its tenth year, the City of Manchester Business Awards celebrates businesses and individuals that have achieved great success and contributed to the city over the

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#TalkingTech: An introduction to Dedicated Servers

If you’re running, or planning to launch a website, you’re probably aware that there are several types of hosting options available to you.  Sometimes, it can be difficult to work out which is the best option and where to start, but not to worry, this is where we come in! In this short guide we’ll

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How to boost your e-commerce Christmas sales

It’s almost that wonderful time of year again! And what a year it’s been! People seem to be putting up their decorations early and are itching to carve those turkeys and eat those mince pies! With that in mind, it’s important to note that a lot of people have also been doing their online Christmas

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How secure is your data when stored in the cloud?

Cloud data storage services are becoming more popular than ever and it’s not hard to see why. As the technical challenges of storing vast amounts of data have been significantly reduced, cloud hosting services have also become incredibly user friendly. As the world becomes more dependent on the internet than ever before, and with server

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Customer Success Story: Victory Design

Victory Designs’ ongoing business philosophy is simple but effective – to listen to their customers and deliver top quality branded products on budget and on time, on a national scale. Justin Hines, Sales Director at Victory Design, recently sat down with the team at Datacentreplus to discuss the critical importance of their website and online

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