Category: 2021

Safer Internet Day: how to protect your data

In light of the on-going pandemic and the number of us now working remotely and using online systems to communicate and complete tasks, it has never been more important to mark Safer Internet Day and make sure our network security is up to scratch at every level (at the very least). With the continuation of

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Will Brexit impact your web hosting?

Following years of delay and uncertainty, the United Kingdom has officially left the European Union. There will be many changes to come when it comes to how we do business with the EU and although the effects of web hosting may not be your main worry, it’s an important thing to keep up with to

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The future of work in 2021 and beyond

In 2020 the world as we know it changed in ways that most of us could not have imagined. Although most of us long to go back to the good old days of meeting friends over brunches and after-work drinks with friends, there have been some positive side effects to the gloom that has been

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What makes a good hosting provider?

When we talk about hosting, we mean the foundation of the site, where your data is stored and accessed. It’s often overlooked but choosing a hosting provider can be crucial to the smooth and efficient running of your website and getting it wrong may lead to a number of issues. But with so many options

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How to improve your website speed

Having a website that loads quickly is an important factor beyond usability. In fact, a ‘speedy’ website is a ranking factor for the search giant, Google (and other well-known search engines) which means that your website is in direct competition with the search results around you. Search engines often penalise sites that load slowly, but

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The impact of Brexit on .EU domains for businesses

‘Brexit’ which refers to the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union means big changes for UK businesses. Since the end of the transition period at the end of December last year, there has been a lot of talk amongst what this means for business owners, their digital operations and online presence.    As a result of

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Cybersecurity: How to protect yourself at work and at home

Cybersecurity threats seem to increase every year. No matter how advanced defenders get, opportunist thieves and hackers’ methods seem to get more sophisticated and tech-savvy with new threats surfacing each year.  Of course, 2020 was no ordinary year, the Covid-19 pandemic in many ways has been a catalyst for an increase in cybersecurity threats with

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Beating Blue Monday during lockdown

It is said that Blue Monday is the saddest day of the year. Christmas is over, New Year’s celebrations have come and gone and your pocket is probably emptier than you’d like it to be. All this is usually enough to make even the happiest people a little blue without throwing a global pandemic on

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Datacentreplus: Our Story So Far

Those who know him will tell you that Mashukul Hoque is a person of good moral character and strong family values. A Manchester-based entrepreneur with a strong track record in the digital sector, he decided to set up a new type of data centre, after noticing that many of the established providers offer an impersonal

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