A Formidable Partnership – Datacentreplus & ATTAIN Digital

We are delighted to announce we are the official hosting partner of ATTAIN Digital, one of Greater Manchester’s leading digital marketing agencies.

We will be supporting ATTAIN by hosting their website and digital infrastructure here at our data centre in Manchester,  comprising website management, web traffic management as well as backup services.

What does ATTAIN do?

ATTAIN helps companies to utilise digital marketing platforms to maximise brand exposure and selling opportunities. The nature of their service means that reliability and uptime is of paramount importance to them and their clients.

We caught up with Jackie Salt, Commercial Manager at ATTAIN who shares her story of hosting with Datacentreplus.

Why Datacentreplus?

A few months ago, ATTAIN decided it was the right time to re-evaluate the technologies that drive their business and its operations, a big focus of which was their current server hosting strategy. They had been with their existing provider for the last six years and mainly had a good working relationship with them.

However, organisational changes with the provider meant that levels of customer service had deteriorated (especially over the last two years) but costs had significantly increased despite there being no improvements to their hosting platform or support.  A number of server outages, lack of communication and poor response times from the technical support team was causing frequent frustration to not only ATTAIN but to their customers as well. With clients wanting answers and expectations not being met, it was time for a change.

It was very important for ATTAIN from the very beginning that they wanted to work with a provider they could build a relationship with and where they would not be just another ticket number when they needed support. This is where Datacentreplus came in.

The Perfect Partnership

Our bespoke and personalised service appeared to be a perfect business fit for ATTAIN, where high customer service levels and building relationships are highly encouraged.  Rather than just sell them a service, our technical team wanted to take the time to understand the current problems so that we could provide a solution that met and exceeded ATTAIN’S expectations. This approach can take a little longer than usual but we have found the long-term gains to be worth it for everyone concerned.

Jackie Salt, Commercial Manager at ATTAIN commenting on hosting with Datacentreplus says:

“It was really important when choosing a hosting provider that we had a partner we could build a relationship with and who would take the time to understand our business, not just for us but for our clients as well.

“The level of customer service has exceeded expectations and we have really got to know the Datacentreplus team who have been extremely helpful.  Issues, where they have occurred, have been resolved quickly and efficiently with plenty of communications. We’re really looking forward to long and lasting relationship with Datacentreplus”.

Rachel Waters, Communications Manager at Datacentreplus says:

“We are thrilled to have ATTAIN on board and to be supporting such a critical part of the business operations. Our customer service and support is a priority for us and we are continuing to invest in better customer facilities and support features that will see us providing the best possible customer service well into the future”.

Datacentreplus has also been named as a finalist in the Greater Manchester Business Awards 2019 in the Customer Service Excellence category for the highly personalised service the company provides.





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