Choosing the right data centre and hosting partner

Data centre Engineer Rajon working on Dedicated Server

Choosing a data centre and hosting partner for your business is a big decision and one that requires a great deal of thought.  

Be it opting for a dedicated server (hosting websites/handling web traffic), colocation (keeping your server equipment safe and secure in a data centre), or VPS cloud hosting (‘virtual’ servers that are highly scalable with demand), we understand it’s not an easy choice to make and is one of the reasons Datacentreplus came to exist. 

It’s from personal experience we have seen how rigid and uncompromising some providers can be which is why we decided to build our own data centre and operate differently. 

So what are the things you need to consider when choosing a data centre?

One of the reasons it is difficult to choose a data centre is that every data centre has their own packages, service and pricing structure, which makes it difficult to compare like for like. However, when you take a step back and look at the bigger picture they all start to look very similar. 

We have put together some key factors you may wish to consider when looking for a hosting provider.

1. Location

If you intend to use a data centre for colocation then location is probably one of the most important factors.  It is important that you are able to gain access to your server in a reasonable time for maintenance, upgrades and even if something was to go wrong. Location may also be important if you need to have particular types of connections.

2. Security

When it comes to choosing a hosting company, you want to rest assured knowing that your data is protected to the highest possible standards. You’ll need to be sure that someone isn’t just able to walk in and turn off your equipment or even steal your data.   A good hosting provider will ensure they invest in the security of their data centre which can include the following: manned on-site security, controlled access and extensive monitoring of all areas.

3. Uptime/Reliability 

This is an essential part of a good data centre – after all, who wants to use a hosting provider that can’t provide reliable uptime?  Data centres should provide power and network uptime of at least 99.9%. You can look at other considerations as well, which can give you an idea  of how reliable a data centre is such as: level of on-site support, industry recognised certifications and customer reviews.

4. Flexibility & Expansion Capability

Flexibility is important as you want your infrastructure to grow with your business. This can be both in terms of space and utilities.  For example, if you wanted to add additional server rack space, you want to make sure the data centre has the space to meet your business requirements. It is important that when choosing a hosting provider you choose one that can scale with your business, where necessary.

5. Support 

Customer service and support is an essential factor that can be a key driver when considering an appropriate data centre. You never know when a problem could arise and when something could go wrong (they often do). So having a hosting provider you can trust, provide quick response times when issues arise, with plenty of communication should be high on your list of considerations. 

As you can see there are a variety of factors which can be taken into consideration when choosing the right data centre for your business. Hopefully, this short article has given you a greater insight into the importance of each element.

If you would like any more information on data centre security or would like any more information regarding our data centre solutions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch

We’re happy to help – 0161 464 6101. 



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